Sunday, July 11, 2010

Coquille Day 2, or Scallops anyone?

I started the Coquille Shawl yesterday and I am amazed at my progress. I haven't knitted in a few years, but when I saw the new Knitty, I knew I had to pick up the needles again. It's funny how, for me at least, knitting fever ebbs and flows. I am definitely in a flowing stage right now, I didn't use the recommended needles or yarn, but cast on anyway. I love the way it looks and think this will be a fairly quick knit.

I'm using KnitPicks Shimmer, in the Flower Garden colorway, something I've had in my stash for at least two years (?). That colorway unfortunately is no longer available, but I love the shades of red, pink and purple. I'm envisioning the shawl jauntily wrapped around my neck topping blue, black and red jackets this fall. Ah, fantasy life is fun - everything matches, I'm always at my perfect weight and I'm always chic - lol. I originally planned to knit the Janet lace shawl with this yarn, but never got farther than looking through the pattern. Maybe with the latest resurgence of knitting fever, I'll get to that pattern next.

Okay, enough rambling, I have knitting to do before starting this week's readings for my history course.